Textile Canopy solutions are gaining prominence in the construction world for a variety of applications and are notably used in the construction of sporting complexes, industrial and commercial premises, service centres, transport infrastructure and cultural and school buildings.
Tensile structure : A modern architecture
Composite membrane, which is more commonly referred to as 'canvas', is a structural material that allows for all kinds of inventive lines, streamlined curves and minimalist geometry. It makes it possible to fit wide clear spans and unique shapes. Aesthetically appealing in both day-time and night-time (on illuminated structures), it accommodates digital printing to customise structures.
40 years of experience and development
From the 1970s (Munich Olympic Stadium) to the present day (Formula 1 infrastructure in Malaysia), membrane has continually evolved to ensure ever-more perfection and originality.
The advantages of building metal and textile infrastructure
Whether used on the interior or exterior, canvas offers some benefits that no other material can provide:
- low ground load (lightness)
- better aerated frame structures
- unique mechanical characteristics
- age resistant material (guarantee for 15 years)
- perfect tightness
- M2 and M1 level of fire safety (depending on type)
- Speed and ease of construction
Optimal comfort thanks to stretched canvas
The fact that the membrane is translucent is one of its most vital design features, since it enables the retention of natural light.
The membrane's low calorific capacity averts heat from spreading throughout the structure.
Unfailing durability
The membranes of permanent structures provide great stability in terms of dimensions. The PVDF surface treatment means it is exceptionally resistant to UV rays, weathering agents, staining and ageing. It is simple to maintain.
High Environmental Quality (HQE standard)
Composite membranes are 100% recyclables thanks to the Texyloop® process devised by Ferrari®.