Environnement1 acs production
Couverture de fosses pr ACS Production

Sewage treatment plants

The corrosive and aggressive environments of sewage treatment plants can be very damaging to traditional construction material. The intrinsic quality of canvas is a good response to counteract this specific atmosphere.

Water treatment plants

The flexibility of the membrane also makes it appropriate for adapting to complex shapes and the technical demands of water treatment plants. There are types of textile canvasses that are impervious to light and these can prevent the development of fungi and reduce the amount of products needed to treat the water.

Urban waste treatment and sorting plants, household waste recycling centres

Opaque canvas is also used for its resistance to ultra-violet rays and its capacity to avoid the spread of odours to the outside in, for example, the case of sewage treatment plants and household waste recycling centres.
We have also produced Urban waste treatment and sorting plants.

The power of the BHD group enables us to deliver solutions for high-technology projects.